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Au Pair 101: How to Become an Au Pair and Travel the World in an Affordable Way by Living with a Host Family as a Child Caregiver





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13



Part 1 - Definition of an Au Pair

Part 2 - Research and Get Started

Part 3 - Looking for an Au Pair job

Part 4 - What to look for in an Au Pair job

Part 5 - Don’t forget, this is still a job

Part 6 - What are parents looking for?

Part 7 - What are you looking for in the family?

Part 8 - Taking care of other people’s children

Part 9 - Building a relationship with the child/children

Part 10 - Perks of being an Au Pair

Part 11 - Challenges of being an Au Pair

Part 12 - Overcoming the challenges

Part 13 - Ready to be an Au Pair?

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