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HowExpert Guide to Belly Dancing: 101+ Tips to Learn How to Belly Dance from A to Z





Chapter 1: Before We Start

Chapter 2: Belly Dancing Hips and Lower Body Techniques

Chapter 3: Belly Dancing Tips for the Upper Part of the Body

Chapter 4: Belly Dancing Arms and Shoulders Techniques

Chapter 5: Belly Dance Isolations

Chapter 6: Exploring the Stage with Belly Dance

Chapter 7: Manage Your Belly Dance Choreography

Chapter 8: Summary

About the Expert



Part 1: Before We Start

Part 2A: Belly Dancing Hips and Lower Body Techniques

Part 2B: Belly Dancing Hips and Lower Body Techniques

Part 3A: Belly Dancing Tips for the Upper Part of the Body

Part 3B: Belly Dancing Tips for the Upper Part of the Body

Part 4A: Belly Dancing Arms and Shoulders Techniques

Part 4B: Belly Dancing Arms and Shoulders Techniques

Part 5: Belly Dance Isolations

Part 6A: Exploring the Stage with Belly Dance

Part 6B: Exploring the Stage with Belly Dance

Part 7: Manage Your Belly Dance Choreography

Part 8: Summary

About the Expert

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