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Step 1: Watch "Dungeons & Dragons step by step guide" Video Course Below!

D&D Step By Step Guide: #1 - Opening Credits

D&D Step By Step Guide: #2 - Introduction

D&D Step By Step Guide: #3 - Rule ZERO

D&D Step By Step Guide: #4 - Being a Player

D&D Step By Step Guide: #5 - Hero's Unite!

D&D Step By Step Guide: #6 - Getting To Know Your Character

D&D Step By Step Guide: #7 - Good, Bad, I Am The Guy With The Crossbow

D&D Step By Step Guide: #8 - Standard Adventuring Gear

D&D Step By Step Guide: #9 - Dungeon Master

D&D Step By Step Guide: #10 - The Hero's Journey

D&D Step By Step Guide: #11 - Evil Villain

D&D Step By Step Guide: #13 - The Three Act

D&D Step By Step Guide: #14 - About The Author

D&D Step By Step Guide: #15 - DIY Projects

D&D Step By Step Guide: #16 - Resources

D&D Step By Step Guide: #17 - Closing Credits

About the Expert Jeffrey Carmichael II

Jeffrey Carmichael II is a free-lance writer and semiprofessional Magic the Gathering player from Northern Maine. The cold, long winters has made him a seasoned gamer with seventeen years of role-playing and card gaming experience. From 2001-2005 Jeff was an RPGA sanctioned Dungeon Master for Dungeons and Dragons 3rd and 3.5 editions. Currently he is part of the beta test for D&D Next, the fifth edition of the Dungeons and Dragons game. For the past two years he has been writing articles for sharing his knowledge and advice on collectible card games. You can also find some of his fiction writing in the Kindle store at Amazon.

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