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Step 1: Watch "How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners" Video Course Below!

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Opening credits

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Introduction

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 1: Takedowns, takedown defense, and movement

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 2: Standing in guard

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 3: Escapes

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 4: Sweeps

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 5: Attacks from guard

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 6: Attacks from mount

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 7: Putting it together

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Chapter 8: Cross training with standup attacks and defense

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Conclusion

How To Jiu Jitsu For Beginners - Closing Credits

About the Expert Nathan DeMetz

Nathan DeMetz is a 32-year-old fitness enthusiast and martial arts practitioner from Indiana. He has been weight lifting for 10 years and practicing martial arts for almost 3. In 2010, Nathan started his martial arts journey with private boxing lessons from a local instructor before moving on to Muay Thai and jiu-jitsu. He is a white belt in jiu-jitsu and has near 3 years of combined kickboxing experience. Nathan always looks to improve his skills through research, one-on-one conversation, and practical application.

Nathan competed in small-scale local competitions though he is not a competitive athlete in general. He simply enjoys the thrill of learning and practicing new forms of martial arts as well as the rush he gets from weight lifting. Personal bests in weight training include a 500 lb squat, 345 lb bench, and a 530 deadlift at a bodyweight between 185 lbs to 213 lbs.

Outside of athletics, Nathan is a family man and everyday guy. He has a 2-year Business degree that he has used in management and now as a self-employed contractor. He primarily provides Internet based services to online clients. His list of clients includes Google, and eBay. He is married and has been with his wife, Grace, for almost 7 years. Nathan has a daughter from a previous relationship who will be fifteen by the time this manual goes to publication. Also by the time of publication Nathan will be a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).

Nathan had the opportunity to meet and learn from a USAPL state ranked power lifter, two NPC bodybuilding competitors, and other local, amateur, and competitive athletes.
Away from work and training, Nathan enjoys spending time with his wife and daughter. He enjoys fat burgers with French fires and juicy steaks.
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