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How to Write a Novella in a Week: A Quick Guide on Novella Writing for Aspiring Writers, Ghostwriters, and Freelancers





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12



Part 1: Don't Think Too Much, Just Do Your Thing Already! (Mandatory Self Assurance)

Part 2: Planning Is Important But Only If You Want It To Be (Meat On Your Bones or Bare Bones?)

Part 3: The Beauty of Editing

Part 4: Harness Your Energy (Realization of Limitations)

Part 5: Be You, Be Humble (Uniqueness Is Key)

Part 6: Take Your Time

Part 7: Real Mentality Over Perceived Skills

Part 8: You Can Never Have Enough Technique (Rebel With A Cause)

Part 9: You ARE The Master (No, I'm Not...Yes, You Are!!)

Part 10: Sentence Structuring, Pacing, And Wittiness Are Crucial

Part 11: Be Cognizant of the Genre You Are Writing, Be Cognizant of the Client's Requests (If Any); Writing On the Brain 24/7

Part 12: Epilogue: How To Build A Successful Profile on Upwork

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