"ISFJ 101: How to Understand Your ISFJ MBTI Personality and Thrive as the Defender" VIDEO COURSE!
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Watch "ISFJ 101: How to Understand Your ISFJ MBTI Personality and Thrive as the Defender" Video Course Below!
ISFJ 101: Chapter 1 - Myers Briggs Personality
ISFJ 101: Chapter 1 - Myers Briggs Personality (Part II)
ISFJ 101: Chapter 2 - What Is the basis of Myers Briggs Personality typing?
ISFJ 101: Chapter 3 - ISFJ What does it mean?
ISFJ 101: Chapter 4 - ISFJ Personal Experience - Introversion
ISFJ 101: Chapter 5 - Personal Experience - Sensing
ISFJ 101: Chapter 6 - Personal Experience - Feeling
ISFJ 101: Chapter 7: Personal Experience - Judging
ISFJ 101: Chapter 8: If I had it to do over
ISFJ 101: Closing credits
About the Expert Mary Blake
Confirmed ISFJ (but with highly suspected clandestine T activity), Christian believer, and recently retired roadmom, Mary Blake is new to the field of writing with a degree in engineering, past career in computer programming and lifelong propensity for writing. She lives in Knoxville, Tennessee with her remarkably patient husband, three dearly-loved grownish children who move in and out on a regular basis, an INFJ Advocate dog, and two cats, ENTJ Commander and neurotic. Mary draws great joy and strength from her faith, family, and friends; from learning; from the created world; from photography; and from writing for a wide variety of applications.