Manga Drawing 101: How To Draw Manga Characters Step By Step From A to Z

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Manga Drawing 101: How to Draw Manga. A complete step by step guide on the basics of the different styles of manga is written by Rebecca Bauer. Rebecca is a new and upcoming author who has an extensive background in writing and art. She has had a poem published in With Honors: 2007 Poetry Collections back when she was in middle school. Working as a full-time nanny, Rebecca spends as much free time writing blog posts and articles and illustrating children's books for clients on Upwork as one of her many jobs.

Manga Drawing 101 by Rebecca Bauer was quite helpful. Being a beginner drawer or even an expert that needs a refresher course, this is the book for you. Rebecca laid the book out in a way that was easy to read and understand at the same time. Since manga is one of the most widely used art forms that incorporates a story within it, there are key elements that must be taken into regards. Manga characters are not all wide-eyed, pointy and dishevelled hair but instead so much more.

With learning how to draw manga, you must first know how to draw the basic human anatomy. Knowing how a body works with a variation of surroundings and components will make you stand out as a manga artist. Rebecca showcases exactly how to start small and then move forward with bigger and better things. Imagination is another key component in working with manga. So, keep your mind open and ideas will flood the gates! Also, don't worry if you get stuck. Every artist has their moment of blockage.

Rebecca starts Manga Drawing 101 with a brief history of manga and how far along it has come since its birth. She then gave a list of the top ten comics and manga television shows along with a brief description of each. Being a new comer to manga, I must say that the top ten lists were a great help for ideas to incorporate into my own artwork! Rebecca then listed the basics that is essential to drawing any manga style. These basics covered the main five styles, the different features of a manga character, such as how to draw a variety of eyes for both male and female characters, different hairstyles that are contained within manga and so much more. There are also the different expressions and anatomy that is covered in this how to guide.

If you are wanting to learn manga or even just need a refresher, give this how to guide a go. I promise you won't be disappointed in the quality and descriptions that Rebecca displays in extensive detail for you. Good luck with your drawing experiences and remember, start small then go onto bigger and better things. Manga does not have to be perfected in order for you to succeed. Every art piece has its flaws. But as long as you believe that you are improving, never give up. That's the key to being the best manga artist out there!

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